Role of Spider and Crawler to Rank Web Pages in Search Engines
A web crawler, spider, or search engine bot are an important term in the field of digital marketing. Actually crawler, spider is a program which automatically fetches web pages of website, which are available all across the web. All major search engines have own crawler, spider software program to collect the data of all website available on world wide web, and then send all that data to search engines database.
Crawler and spider generally operated by search engines which follow the algorithms developed by search engines and retrieve the data accordingly.
Let’s understand the Crawler and spider in Deep:
Spider: it’s a program which automatically fetches all publicly available pages.
Its counts all web pages and index the pages.
Crawler: This program checks all the contents of every page of website.
Role of Spider and Crawler to Rank Web Pages in Search Engines are wide. Because whatever data shared by Spider and Crawler to search engines according to search engine guidelines is displays during query search by user in SERP (Search Engine optimization).
So, when you are optimizing the web pages according to search engine guidelines, always put ON Page factors on priority. Because sharing right and correct information to search engines bots will help lots to rank website quick on SERP. Displaying query on first page of SERP will help to generate business and get target audience towards the business.