Advanced SEO Techniques to Boost Website Ranking
Hello, friends My Self Rajesh Kumar. Digital Marketing Expert and Project Manager. Here I am going to discuss the all-important advanced checklist to Boost Website ranking. Here I will also discuss to improve Google ranking fast & cheap way. So let’s started with step by step:
On Page Optimization: On Page SO is much more complex nowadays. We must have to understand the right and wrong way to optimize our website. Here we will learn Right Way. Let’s see:
- Use Short Url’s: Use short URL comparison to long tail URL because short length url’s results much more better than long lengths url’s. Whenever you are publishing your page make your URL short And sweet. Target your important keyword in your URL. This is easy and short techniques to rank your keywords on SERP.
- USE LSI Keywords: LSI Keywords are version phrases that search engines used to understand what your content is all about. To know more about giving us a call on 7503301775.
- Write Long Content: A Content is called a king in SEO. Long content helps us to include more LSI keywords in Content. When you write more long content you naturally include more LSI keywords. Also, Google Gives More Importance to long contents and a higher preference to Highly Optimized Contents. Google always give the best result for given keywords and if our page gives a comprehensive answer its automatically appears on higher in the front page.
- Optimize Title Tag: You must target your target keywords in Title Tag. Its improve the CTR of your website. Include your must important Keywords in the title tag. Always keep it 53 characters.
- Use Outbound link or External Links
- Use Internal Links: When you are writing contents or publishing contents to for your website always use internal linking with older pages of your websites. Always Link that pages which ranking you want to boost.
Site Speed: One important factor that all search engines probably considered in ranking. So now questions come to how we can boost website speed? First, use Premium Hosting. Select the best Host Provider. The second one is used CDN. Third use Page Speed Insights. For more info give us a call: 7503301775.
Use Multimedia: Always use a Images, Videos or Gif Images to make your content valuable to readers. Google also analysis User Experience to provide better results. If your page has a high bounce rate and low time insights Google drops your ranking. Using multimedia helps our users to stay longer on websites which improve bounces rate as well as the ranking of our website.
Avoid Slow Loading Websites: a Few days ago Google publicly confirmed that low insights page speed reduce the ranking of websites. And as per my experience, the site speed does impacts on site ranking. Use the Page Speed Insights tool to improve the website and its pages speed.
Keeps in mind that it’s doesn’t measure actual website loading speed. Instead Google page insight speed simply analyzes our websites pages code. To get more info on how our site load to end user use tool GTMETRIX. It shows us how our data actually load. It’s a very effective tool to measure the performance of our website.
Setup your website Technical:
Oohoo! I consider you have the best website with the best content. But surprisingly your website not ranking due to the serious technical issue. For such a serious issue, you can use a Google Webmaster Tool to find out Issues. Let's Submit your website to webmasters and check issues like DNS, Server Connectivity, Robots.txt, Sitemap etc. If you found any issue here you have to fix it as soon as possible. For more info call us on 7503301775.
Keyword Research:
Firs to find the best appropriate result you can use a Google Suggest Long Tail Keyword. For this just enter a few words in the search area it automatically suggests some important keywords that you can target. You can also use the Keyword Planner Tool for More Keywords related to your business or services.
Secondly, you can also take untapped keywords through Google Search Console. For detailed analysis about it give us a call on 7503301775
Thirdly Use SEMRUSH. Here just enter your competitor websites where you will get all keywords lists which your competitors are using.
Always Update About Google Algorithm:
I will personally suggest you to always aware of Google Algorithm Updates. Like: Panda, Penguin, Rank Brain, Pigeon, Pirate, Humming Bird, EMD, Possum Update. For the latest updates, you can visit Search Engine Land.
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