Best Reasons to Learn PHP framework Laravel and CodeIgniter

Best Reasons to Learn PHP framework Laravel and CodeIgniter

One of the questions that haunt every developer is, as to which framework to use. Several factors need to be considered while choosing a suitable fframework. This is because different frameworks come with different features.Here,we shall learn about the best reasons to learn two of the top PHP frameworks - Laravel and Codeigniter.

Best Reasons to Learn Laravel

Artisan Ccommands

One of the most loved features of Laravel is Artisan. This command line interface automates many crucial tasks. Artisan ccommands are available for several tasks such as creating a database seeder, creating a controller and more. You just need to type this command and it takes care of the steps that follow.

Easy Aauthenticationprocess

User authentication is a must when it comes to web applications.Laravel helps set it up easily. As you set up user authentication, this PHP Framework creates all the significant components related to it. This includes the register, login controller and more. It also facilitates the application to authenticate users on the basis of their social networking accounts such as Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.

Testing AautomationMadeEasy

Laravel makes test driven development extremely easy for PHP applications.

Email Nnotifications

Sending email notifications is Laravel. It supports wide number of notification email services.Tthese include SparkPost, Amazon and Mailgun to name afew. All the services allow sending mail vialocal or cloud based service almost instantly.


These useful librariesare a unique feature of Laravel. You won't find it in any other popular framework. The libraries store important information and have advanced features that allow resetting of password, encryption and checking active users, etc.

MVC Support

The popular PHP framework supports MVC architecture that helps in enhancing the overall performance.It does so by providing clearview between presentation and logic.

Apart from this,Laravel offers high security and easy migration of database.

Reasons to LearnCodeigniter

Let us now have a quick look at the reasons to learn Codeigniter


Every developer wants to escape this part as much as possible.Codeigniter is loved because it involves less coding and faster development. You can also configure it with ease.

High Security Features

This framework comes with features for decryption and encryption.This ensures data security when it is shared across multiple platforms. It also allows creation of web applications in a secure manner. It is thus highly reliable.

Amazing CommunitySupport

Codeigniter is widely used. So, you can easily get answers to frequently asked questions related to it on the internet.

Compatibility Factor

Codeignitor is highly compatible with almost every platform, web server and operating system. This is yet another reason why you should consider learning it. Besides, you can create front end as well as rare end applications with this framework.

Easy Migration

Codeigniter allows easy migration from one server to another. You can also customize your files with ease using this framework.

Easy Bug Handling

It is a simple interface that helps in detecting the error with ease.All the PHP errors in application are shown by it.Handling and fixing the errors is equally easy. It provides bug handling instructions. It also gives debugging messages to make the task easier for you.

Besides, it is extremely lightweight, allows easy utilization of modular programs and facilitates flexible URI routing.

So, now you know why these PHP frameworks are so popular. And also why you should totally consider learning these!