How to create custom menu in WordPress
Main menu of website is an important part of any website. Creating high quality menu for website can attract a website user to stay on website more time.
Generally, in a website menu, it can be a page, post, gallery, blog, contact us page etc. For adding this menu firstly, you have to create a page, blogs, categories.
In WordPress, we can create a menu as per our choice in Appearance -> menu section. For this we have to open the dashboard then we have to visit in Appearance -> menu section. There we have to click on create a menu and have to put menu name. We can put menu name as per our choice, it’s not fixed.
After creating a menu, we can add pages, post, categories in particular menu which we have created. for adding pages, firstly we have to select pages then click on add to menu. Same process will be for adding posts and categories in menu.
If you want to add external links for your website to other website then we have to click on custom links and then external website links required and link text required.
You want to add additional features in menu then use screen options features available in WordPress. Using scree options, we can add link target and title attribute in WordPress menu. If we check link target and title attribute then it’s allow us to add title attribute and link target for particular page , post, or categories.