How to Encode and Decode url's Query Parameter in PHP
In this blog, you will learn how to encode and decode the query string or URL of a page. In PHP we use query string to edit, delete data, or select data from a database by matching a particular column name.
So Professional developers use encode and decode functions to encode URL strings for special characters. There are some functions for encoding and decoding URLs as follows:
- urlencode
- base64_encode
- urldecode
- base64_decode
How to encode URL's query parameter
To encode url’s query parameter you can use both the methods together urlencode() and base64_encode().
$finalid=urlencode( base64_encode($id));
Why encode URL's query parameter
Because URLs are limited to a number of characters like a digit, alphabets, and a few special characters like (-,_), etc, to use any other character we need encoding URL's query parameters.
How to decode URL's query parameter
To decode url’s query parameters we use urldecode() and base64_decode() function together.
$id="encoded string";
$finalid=base64_decode( urldecode( $id));