Importance of heading tags

Importance of heading tags

Heading tags plays an important role in SEO, HTML provides six types of headings that we can use to describe headlines on our webpage, which are the following:

  1. <h1>: This is used as the main heading of our webpage, we can not repeat it on our page means we use the H1 tag only one time on a page. If we repeat the h1 tag on our webpage then google got confused about our web page content what's our content main heading, it affects our ranking.
  2. <h2>:  This is a less important heading as compared to the h1 tag. It is used as a subheading, we can repeat this heading as many times as we want.
  3. <h3> : This is less important heading as compared to h1 and h2 tag. It is used as a subheading, we can also repeat this heading.
  4. <h4>:   This is less important heading as compared to h1,h2 and h3 tag. It is used as a subheading, we can also repeat this heading.
  5. <h5>:  This is less important heading as compared to h1,h2,h3 and h4 tag. It is used as a subheading, we can also repeat this heading.
  6. <h6> :  This is rare used heading tag, it is less important as compared h1,h2,h3,h4 and h5.


What is the H1 Tag?

H1 tag is the main heading of your webpage content, it is like the main headline of a newspaper. H1 has a large font size as compared to other heading tags. It is highlighted like the headline of a page.

For example: If you are writing content on a page about web design and development courses then the H1 tag must be like Web Design and Development Course.


What is the Purpose of an H1 Tag?

The purpose of the H1 tag is to structure your web page content. It is most important for SEO accessibility and usability, you should use one H1 heading on each page.

An H1 describes your web page content, readers got understand after reading the heading of a page what they are going to read.

H1 helps the search engine to make understand what the web page content contains.


Key Things to Remember When Using h1 Tag on a Page

If you want to use headings in an appropriate way on a website then there are some key points you will have to remember, which are the following:

1. Only Use One h1 Tag

You should use only one h1 tag on a page because a page does not contain two main headings if we want to try to keep an h1 tag more than one time, it creates confusion for the search engines. The search engine does not identify your web page content property if we use multiple h1.

So use only one h1 on each page.


2. Make sure your h1 tag properly describe the topic of  your page  

You should make sure about your h1 tag is related to the page content, is the h1 tag properly describing the topic of your page? H1 should be clear, the user could easily understand what this page contains after reading of h1 heading of a page.

So h1 heading should be proper and related to the content.


3. Try to use Long-Tail Keyword in your h1 heading

You should target the long-tail keywords in your h1 heading. If you want to rank higher you can use long-tail keywords in your h1 to target keywords, but you should keep in mind you should not use long-tail keywords in h2 or another heading if you do so, it will be treated as keyword stuffing.

So you can use long-tail keywords in your h1 heading to improve your page rank.


4. Make sure every page has an h1 tag

You should make sure every page has an h1 tag, each page should contain an h1 tag to give a clear view of what the page contains. If we don’t use the h1 tag then our page is treated as incomplete.

So you should use the h1 tag on every page of a website.