Our Registration Policy

Our Registration Policy

Thanks for Joining Next-G Education, please read our Registration Policy Here.

  1. Noted Down course name and course content carefully which you have joined.
  2. Understand the Fee Installments.
  3. Please Pay your fees on time, maximum one week allow to pay fees after fees installments date. In case you don’t pay fees, your batch will be hold.
  4. In case there is a serious to pay fee late, please discuss with admin department.
  5. In case you are not satisfied with our training process please inform within maximum 2-3 classes to refund amount. After 2-3 classes there will be no refund in any circumstances.
  6. Once enrolled for your desired course, you can’t change your course. In serious case you can contact with admin department for course change.
  7. If you discontinued 2 weeks your class without any information your registration will be cancelled and there will be no refund. In Critical situation contact to admin department on 7683072463.
  8. Once Software issued to you, there will be no refund in any circumstances.
  9. Inform on priority in case you want leave to admin department.
  10. Our regular classes means there will be alternative days classes. classes duration will be of 45 Minutes to 1.30 Hrs. depends on topics, software's and languages.
  11. In case you joined FastTrack or crash course there may be multiple batches within a day. In also classes duration will be of 45 Minutes to 1.30 Hrs. depends on topics, software's and languages.
  12. Certificate will be issued once all course completed and complete fees paid.
  13. Course Content will be not completely revised if you go on leave for long period.
  14. Course Content can be revised without any prior Notice it's all right reserved for admin department.
  15. If you want to change batch timing you must inform to admin department prior basis.
  16. Job Placement Assistance only after complete course*.
  17. Job Placement Assistance are only available on 6 Months or 6+ Months duration courses.
  18. We will Support for Job , Candidate must have to face interview before Job.
  19. feel free to contact on admin contact no. +91- 9911012873 or email us on [email protected].
  20. All disputes are subject to Delhi jurisdiction only.