Points to keep in mind during Creating SEO Friendly URL
URL (Uniform Resource Locater) is a web page address which indicates location on the web. It appears mostly in the address bar of the browser. The standards URL contains https in the address bar of the browser. Creating eye catching URL is much more important to get users attraction towards website. Role of URL in SEO is large to rank website in SERP (Search Engine Result Page). Most of the search engine read the url of the website and prefer to rank well-structured web address to SERP.
Some key features creating web pages URL to keep in mind always:
- Separate the URL using – always
EX: https://www.nextgeducation.com/best-graphic-design-courses-institute
- URL Must describe the page content
- Keep important keyword in URL
- Use modifiers like: Best, top, offers, cheap , discount in URL
Ex: buymobile.com/top-ten-samsung-mobile
- Keep URL length below 120 characters always.
- URL will be unique for each page always
- Avoid to use special characters in URL
- Create static URL always
- Static URL VS Dynamic URL are best
- If you are going to change existing URL to new URL use 301 redirection