Sometimes, we need to iterate the loop between two dates, for example we have to update data or insert data in the database betwe...
Sometimes there is a need to set tomorrow's da...
Sometimes there is a need to set the current date or time in input like in inquiry form, registration form, fee receipt f...
File Upload in PHP is mainly used in registration forms like student registration, employee registration. In this registration form, we see r...
Sometimes we have to upload multiple files on the website. For example, n the Event website where there is a ...
Beginner PHP developers are mostly confused about learning, where to start, and how to do practical projects. Here I am t...
Including files in PHP is a handy feature when you want to include the same content or design in multiple pages such as header, footer, sideb...
Sending mail to the website is a very crucial feature. It is important to get inquiries from websites by mail. PHP mail() function is used to...
OOP (Object Oriented Programming) is a programming design pattern in which we write code using classes, objects rather than the old programmi...
File Upload Validation is very important in web development to get rid of spammers. Mostly Spammers or bots upload irrelevant files or big fi...
Sometimes we have to need to restrict our file upload to allowed only jpg, png files with size validation. It is mostly used in the gallery p...
CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) is an important topic of PHP in which you will learn how to insert, select, update and delete data. In th...